Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh Life!

It was such a nice morning walk. The cool, crisp morning air, the wind making the dead leaves dance on the street, the sun still soft-gentle-gold, rising on the horizon, casting the street with a warm pleasant glow. Walking Frankie every morning and every night is like a calming ritual that helps me start and end my day with placidity. It makes me appreciate everyday the beauty of the simplest actions (like walking), the simplest gestures of Mother Nature (leaves dotted with dewdrops, waving brief sparkles & brilliance under the passing shafts of sunlight), and the simplest affirmations of love (Frankie slobbering my face with kisses). This morning I saw three birds playing in a puddle, each of them taking turns jumping in and out, their soft chirping a merry and joyful sound against the roar of cars rushing to their everyday battles. I, too, will be rushing to my own battle in a little while. I, like everybody else, will be dealing with things that are far from simple. During the course of the day, my demeanour will probably be not as fresh and light-hearted. I will probably at times fall into bouts of grouchiness, ill-temper, pessimism. But … there is that one pleasant thought …

This morning I planted my faith in simple things, and the world was a playground for birds. This evening, I will rest my faith again in simple things, hoping for my own puddle, whistling for the wind.

side note: I've learned another valuable lesson just now. Leave your bowl of cereal with milk, uneaten, on the table, far too long and it turns into something not pleasant. It turns into something like that foul-smelling slodge you puke out after a night of heavy eating combined with heavy drinking. Nasty stuff. Just like Life. Leave something good in your life unattended, ignored, taken for granted, and sooner or later it'll rot & leave you with nothing but a lifetime of regret (which translates to a lifetime of heavy drinking and puking out more of those nasty stuff).

-- Yes, an uneaten bowl of cereal is a valuable life-lesson for me. --

The Drunken Wannabe!

Because I’m a wannabe photographer / writer / traveller / bon vivant / witch / director / editor / druidess / dancer / singer / film critic / lyricist / poet / band aid (like Penny Lane in Almost Famous) / beach bum / backpacker / playwright / burlesque queen (haha! – think Santanico Pandemonium in From Dusk Till Dawn – wannabe remember?) / revolutionary / Manic Pixie Bitch (in contrast to the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, I mean let’s face it, I am no dream girl, yes even if it’s just a wannabe thing – my tummy can’t stomach it) / polyglot / environmentalist / feminist / jester / mermaid / trapeze artist / … I Wannabe Whatever/Whichever/Whenever. Everything that life throws my way, I say “Drink Up! Soak Up! Suck every last drop!” Yes, I WannaBe Intoxicated with this Mad Brewery called Life (everything about it – the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the lies, the truth, the fusion of all things disparate). I am a Drunken WannaBe. Kampai!!!!